Staff spotlight Lori Nichols

Lori Nichols

Lori Nichols is a native of Collinsville, Illinois. She earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Psychology and Sociology as well as a Master of Science in Education from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. Following graduate school, she returned to the St. Louis area and now calls Crestwood, Missouri home.  She began her career in […]

Faculty spotlight Mai Dang

Mai Dang

Mai Dang, MD, PhD, started her formal education in the small town of Janesville, Wisconsin. She and her ethnic Chinese family landed there after they immigrated to the U.S. from Vietnam. They then moved to Chicago when she was in middle school. She attended the University of Chicago for college and majored in sociology with […]

Faculty Spotlight Robin Ryther

Robin Ryther

Robin Ryther, MD, PhD, was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.  For the locals, she attended Parkway Central High School. Ryther received a BS in biochemistry from the University of Missouri at Columbia before heading to Vanderbilt University for her MD and PhD (molecular biology).  She then moved to Boston for her pediatric and […]

Staff Spotlight Rebecca “Becky” Liddick

Becky Liddick

Rebecca “Becky” Liddick came from Washington state to Missouri in 2007. And two weeks later, she became a member of the Washington University in St. Louis family. She is now a new patient coordinator for the Department of Neurology. Prior to moving to St. Louis, Liddick was a foster parent and a caregiver for the […]

Staff Spotlight Ali Vonderheid

Ali Vonderheid

Born and raised in Florissant, Missouri, Ali Vonderheid played soccer, basketball, volleyball and softball throughout grade school, as well as nightly street hockey games with the neighborhood boys (yes, she was the only girl!). She continued playing soccer through high school and college where she attended Missouri Southern State University in Joplin (Vonderheid came back […]

Getting to know Neurology’s new adult residency program director, Peter Kang

Peter Kang

Peter Kang, MD, MSCI, came to Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for his neurology residency in 2012 and felt like he’d found a home. So, he moved on to a fellowship in neurocritical care and joined the Department of Neurology’s faculty afterwards where he has spent his time caring for patients, teaching […]

Getting to know Neurology’s new vice chair for education, Doug Larsen

Doug Larsen

Education has been top-of-mind for Doug Larsen, MD, MEd, since the very beginning of his career. His medical school application focused on the physician as an educator. And pediatric neurology is essentially embedded in his DNA. “You could say I was exposed since birth!” Larsen, a professor of neurology & pediatrics at Washington University School […]

Lang receives NIH MERIT award (Links to an external site)

Catherine Lang

Catherine Lang, PhD, professor of physical therapy, of neurology and of occupational therapy at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been awarded a MERIT award from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The award will support five years […]

Cruchaga named Morriss Professor (Links to an external site)

Carlos Cruchaga, PhD, has been named the Barbara Burton and Reuben M. Morriss III Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Shown at his installation ceremony are (from left) David H. Perlmutter, MD, executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine; Cruchaga; and Chancellor Andrew D. Martin.

Carlos Cruchaga, PhD, a pioneer in the use of human genomic data to understand and elucidate the biology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, has been named an inaugural Barbara Burton and Reuben M. Morriss III Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.