The Grand Rounds Lecture Series — a weekly one-hour continuing medical education (CME) seminar held on Fridays — covers a wide variety of clinical and basic science topics. From September through June, Grand Rounds consists of special lectures from faculty and guest speakers. All are invited to hear the latest discussions regarding both clinical and bench research developments. Unless otherwise noted, Grand Rounds are held on Friday mornings at 7:45 a.m. in the Robert Emmett Connor Auditorium of the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center. 

Each Grand Rounds will have a QR code that will direct you to the CME site where you can check attendance for that lecture. Android and iPhone users may use cameras, and others will need to download a QR barcode reader app. If for some reason someone is unable to get in, please email Administrative Assistant Andrea Barker ( Please use your WUSTL email address.

2024-25 schedule

September 6, 2024NeurologyState of the Department
Speaker: Jin-Moo Lee, MD, PhD
September 20, 2024Adult NeurologyAdult Neurology Clinical Pathologic Case
Speakers: Salena Cui, MD, Jared Goodman, MD, PhD, Humsini Viswanath, MD, Alan Li, MD and Charles “Drew” Roach, MD
September 27, 2024Neuroinfectious Disease“HIV/AIDS: 21st Century Challenges for Neurologists”
Speaker: David Clifford, MD
October 4, 2024Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging“Do No Harm: Promoting Diversity and Health Equity in Epilepsy” A Crowd working experiment
Speaker: Jonathan Williams, MD
October 11, 2024Pediatric Epilepsy “Exploring Epilepsy as a Network Disorder: Starting Early in the Neonatal ICU”
Speaker: Regina Triplett, MD
October 18, 2024Neuroinfectious Disease“Alzheimer Disease in Down Syndrome: One Extra Chromosome, 2 Extra Hugs and New Therapies on the Horizon”
Speaker: Beau Ances, MD, PhD 
October 25, 2024Education“Increasing Awareness, Finding Joy and Building Emotional Intelligence for High Performance”
Speaker: Susan Mackinnon, MD
November 1, 2024Neuronatal Intensive Care UnitSpeaker: Michael Diringer, MD
November 8, 2024Michael Noetzel Pediatric Stroke LectureshipSpeaker: Gabrielle deVeber, MD
November 15, 2024Pediatric Neuromuscle Speaker: Craig Zaidman, MD
November 22, 2024Movement DisordersSpeaker: Paul Kotzbauer, MD, PhD
December 6, 2024Adult Neurology Resident Invited SpeakerSpeaker: Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD
December 13, 2024NeurosurgerySpeaker: Alex Stegh, PhD
January 3, 2025Adult General NeurologySpeaker: Laurence Kinsella, MD
January 10, 2025Adult EpilepsySpeaker: Selim Bernbadis
January 17, 2025Adult NeurologyClinical Pathologic Case
Speakers: Anjad Samara, MD, Nesreen Jaafar, MD, Talora Martin, MD and Gabe Vazquez Veliz, MD, PhD
January 24, 2025Multiple SclerosisSpeaker: Jonathan Kipnis, PhD
January 31, 2025SleepSpeaker: Yo-El Ju, MD
February 14, 2025Aging & DementiaSpeakers: Erik Musiek, MD, PhD, Brendan Lucey, MD
February 21, 2025NeurooncologySpeaker: David Gutmann, MD, PhD
February 28, 2025Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center/Pediatrics GeneralSpeaker: Hadas Nahman-Averbuch, PhD
March 7, 2025Child NeurologyClinical Pathologic Case
Speakers: Tanner Hoke, MD, Aimee Morris, MD, PhD, Anna Scholz, MD, Karolina Kata, DO and Saif Sharayah, MD
March 14, 2025Adult NeurologyClinical Pathologic Case
Speakers: Kevin Hochstrasser, MD, Mohammad Khasawneh, MD and Christine Ashton, MD
March 21, 2025Pediatric NeonatalSpeaker: Alexa Craig
March 28, 2025Neuromuscular MedicineSpeakers: Timothy Miller, MD, PhD
April 11, 2025Vascular NeurologySpeaker: Yan Wang, MD
April 18, 2025Sidney Goldring Lecture in EpilepsyTBD
April 25, 2025Irwin Levy LectureshipSpeaker: Emanuelle Waubant, MD, PhD
May 2, 2025Phillip Dodge Annual LectureSpeaker: Erika Augustine, MD, MS
May 9, 2025Adult Neurology Resident Invited SpeakerSpeaker: Amit Bar-Or, MD
May 16, 2025NeurologyNeurology Academic Symposium
Poster presentations and research awards
May 22, 2025George H. Bishop Lecture and R25 Symposium Speaker: Michael Taylor, MD
May 30, 2025Child Neurology Resident Invited SpeakerSpeaker: Monica Lemmon, MD
June 6, 2025Adult Neurology Resident Invited SpeakerSpeaker: Altaf Saadi, MD
June 20, 2025Quality ImprovementTBD


The Department of Neurology has six named lectures, four annually and two bi-annually. All are conducted within the venue of the weekly Neurology Grand Rounds so that students, residents, fellows and faculty can all benefit from the outstanding speakers who participate.

Irwin Levy Lectureship

The Irwin Levy Lectureship was endowed by Meyer and Alene Kopolow, with the additional support from many other patients, friends, and colleagues. Before his death in 1979, he chose Dr. Arthur Asbury as the first lecturer. Levy was one of Washington University’s leading clinical neurologists for over a quarter century from 1940-1979. The Levy Lectureship continues to be used as a living tribute to Levy’s commitment to clinical teaching in Neurology.

2024Charlotte Sumner
2023Rebecca Gottesman
2022S. Thomas Carmichael
2021Claudia Lucchinetti
2020Cancelled COVID-19
2019Andy Josephson
2018Allan Levey
2017Barbara Vickery
2016Dimitri Krainc
2015Ralph Sacco
2014Robert Macdonald
2013Merit Cudkowicz
2012David Zee
2011Michael Racke
2010Justin McArthur
2009Bradley Hyman
2008Charles Thornton
2007Douglas Gelb
2006Bruce Dobkin
2005Daniel Lowenstein
2004Frank Longo
2003Robert Brown
2001Flint Beal
2000John Mazziontta
1998Steve Waxman
1995Fred Plum
1993Louis rowland
1991Dennis Choi
1990Neil Raskin
1989Kathleen Foley
1988Ian MacDonald
1987Stanley Appel
1986Jay Mohr
1985Robert Griggs
1984Barry Arnason
1983David Drachman
1982Robert Fishman
1981Stanley Fahn
1980H. Richard Tyler
1979Arthur Ashbury
Joseph J. Gitt Lectureship

This visiting professorship honors the late St. Louis physician, Joesph J. Gitt, and was established by his family, friends and professional associates because of his strong interests in clinical training in medicine and  neurology.

2024Nicole Calakos
2022Elan Louis
2020 Michael Okun
2018 Amy Bastian
2016 A. Jon Stoessl
2013 Un Jung Kang
2011 Robert Burke
2008 Jonathan Mink
2006 Anne Young
2004Mark Hallett
2001John Gordon Nutt 
1999William Langston
1989 G. Frederick Wooten
1988 Jack Whisnant
1987 Dewey Ziegler
1986 Frank Yatsu
1975Harold Stevens
1974 Joseph Foley
1973 Norman Geschwing
1972Raymond Adams 
1971H. Houston Merritt
Phillip R. Dodge Lectureship

This visiting professorship honors the late Phillip R. Dodge, MD. Under his leadership, the Department of Pediatrics at Washington University and Children’s Hospital attained a level of preeminence in this country and abroad. Teaching and research programs flourished, and the best of medical care was delivered to all who came to Children’s Hospital. Dodge was known perhaps best of all, to those who had the privilege to work with him, as a man always ready to give something of himself to others. He worked tirelessly to help careers flourish, to allay anxieties, and always to be available. His impact has been and will continue to be enormous.

2024Brad Schlaggar
2023Ingrid Scheffer
2022Steven Miller
2021Christine Fox
2020Marjo van der Knaap
2019 Brenda Banwell
2018 Mustafa Sahin
2017 Philip R. Dodge Symposium
2016 Frances E. Jensen
2015 Joseph G. Gleeson
2014 Tallie Z. Baram
2013 Elizabeth Berry-Kravis
2012 Jonathan W. Mink
2012 Gary D. Clark
2010 Donna Ferriero
2009 Isabelle Rapin
2008 Robert S. Rust Jr.
2007 William C. Mobley
2006 Scott L. Pomeroy
2005 Gregory L. Holmes
2004 Clifford B. Saper
2003 Arnold R. Kriegstein
2002 Laura R. Ment
2001 Salvatore DiMauro
2000 Christopher Walsh
1999 Huda Y. Zoghbi
1998 Patricia Goldman-Rakic
1997 Karin B. Nelson
1996 Joseph J. Volpe
1995 Dale Purves
1993 Guy M. McKhann
1991 Floyd E. Bloom
1990 Raymond D. Adams
1989 Victor Dubowitz
1988 Vernes S. Caviness
1987 Robert Y. Moore
1986 Hugo Moser
Sidney Goldring Lectureship

The Sidney Goldring Lecture in Epilepsy honors the late Sidney Goldring, MD. Goldring was a neurosurgeon and educator who was an early advocate for a brain operation that he helped to develop for patients with severe epilepsy.

2024Elaine Wirrell
2023Sam Lhatoo
2022Charles Ákos Szabó, MD
2021Eli Mizrahi
2019 Neda Ladbon-Bernasconi
2018 Mark Cook
2017 Nathan Crone
2016 Bruce Hermann
2015 Hal Blumenfeld
2014 George Ojemann
2013 Michael Privitera
2012  Elinor Ben-Menachem
2011  Dessin Spencer
2010  Prakash Kotagal
Michael J. Noetzel Lectureship

The Noetzel Lecture honors the late Michael J. Noetzel, MD. Noetzel was best known for his research involving strokes in children, especially so-called silent strokes that often go unnoticed by parents and doctors. He played an important role in several major clinical trials, including the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial, and Silent Cerebral Infarct Multi-Center Clinical Trial, which focused on sickle cell disease

2024Michael Dowling
2023Noma Dlamini
George H. Bishop Lecture in Experimental Neurology 

The Bishop Lecture honors the late George H. Bishop, MD. Bishop was a critical, highly regarded and beloved colleague at Washington University and in the international community of neurophysiologists. He was known for his exceptional practical abilities, inside and outside the laboratory, his basic modesty, remarkable way with words and wonderful sense of humor. The George H. Bishop lectureship is the oldest named lectureship in basic neuroscience at Washington University.

2024David M. Holtzman, MD
2023Christopher A. Walsh
2020Christian Haass
2019Jonathan Kipnis
2018Ralph Dacey
2017Don Cleveland
2016Berislav Zlokovic
2014Maiken Nedergaard 
2013Robert Darnell
2012Helen S. Mayberg
2011Thomas Südhof
2010Joshua Sanes
2009Mitchel Berger
2008Stephen Hauser
2007Story Landis
2006Steven Marc Paul
2005Kenneth H. Fischbeck
2004Kevin P. Campbell
2003William C. Mobley
2002Virginia M. Y. Lee
2001R. Susan Zukin
2000Stephen Heinemann
1999Stanley Prusiner
1998Richard Tsien
1997David Prince
1996Allen Roses
1995Zach W. Hall
1994Gerald D. Fischbach
1993Mary C. Bushnell
1992Martin E. Schwab
1991Larry R. Squire
1990Sanford L. Palay
1989Torsten N. Wiesel
1988Robert H. Wurtz
1987Albert J. Aguayo
1986William D. Willis Jr.
1985Martin Raff
1984John Pappenheimer
1983Julian Jack
1982P. B. C. Matthews
1981Louis Sokoloff
1980Bernard Katz & Stephen Kuffler
1979Vernon B. Mountcastle
1978Gerald Edelman
1977Solomon H. Snyder
1976Rita Levi-Montalcini
1975Seymour Kety
1974Viktor Hamburger
1973Yves LaPorte
1972James O’Leary
1971Irving Diamond
1970Edward Perl
1969James Sprague
1968Carlton Hunt
1967Mila and Arnold Sheibel
1966R. W. Sperry
1965William Mehler
1964David Hubel
1963Theodore H. Bullock
1962Dixon M. Woodbury
1961Clinton N. Woolsey
1960W. H. A. Rushton
1959Sir Frances Walshe
1958Michael Fuortes
1957Stephen Kuffler
1956Harry Grundfest


Visit department portal for a list of available recordings from 2019 to present.

Accreditation statement

WashU Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing education for physicians.

Credit hour statement

WashU Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of one AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Faculty disclosure

Speaker disclosures will be made available at each Grand Rounds session.

To view past lectures, please visit the events calendar. Please note that not all lectures are archived. If there is a particular lecture for which you would like more information, please email Administrative Assistant Andrea Barker (