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Resident research

The Department of Neurology at Washington University is committed to advancing treatment of neurological disorders through both clinical and basic science research. We believe that combining clinical service and research during residency training is the best way to develop critical thinking skills and learning habits. All full-time faculty members are actively involved in clinical or basic research, and residents are encouraged to pursue their own research interests during residency, either within the Department of Neurology or outside the department in other Washington University neuroscience laboratories.

Residents learn about the research taking place within the department and university at regular conferences. In addition to the broad range of neuroscience research represented at Washington University, regularly scheduled lectures by visiting lecturers from other institutions provide exposure to the broader research community.

Fellowship programs


The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) R25 mechanism supports the training of clinical residents and fellows to foster careers as physician-scientists. Since 2018, ten residents in our department have been supported by R25 grants.

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Full title: Infectious Disease/Immunology Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (ID/IMM StARR) program at Washington University

This NIH grant mechanism funds WashU neurology residents, especially those who have not had extensive research opportunities, to spend a year or more of dedicated time in mentored research in the neuroimmunology, neuroinfectious diseases and related fields. 


Postdoctoral research opportunities 


Resident symposium

Residents are invited to participate in research during elective time in the second and third years of training. Many residents have co-authored publications during their residency. All residents are invited to present a poster on their research at the Residents Day Symposium held at the end of the academic year. PGY4 residents are required to present a poster. The best presentation receives the Leonard Berg Prize for resident research. These presentations range from interesting and informative case reports and case studies to clinical and basic science research studies that might form the basis for research projects during fellowship.

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