Neurology, I2DB announce joint faculty hire

The Department of Neurology and the Institute for Informatics, Data Science and Biostatistics (I2DB) are pleased to welcome a new joint faculty member, Laura Wiley, PhD, FAMIA, who is serving as an associate professor as of Jan. 1. She will also serve as the Director of Clinical Data Science in the Office of the Chief […]

2025-2026 Academic Year Neurology Residency Program Chief Residents

The Department of Neurology is pleased to announce our Neurology Residency Program chief residents for the 2025-2026 academic year. This group of remarkable individuals will be working with their resident colleagues, staff, faculty and leadership to continue strengthening our program as a leader in neurology residency training. Thank you to our current chief residents, Drs. […]

Brain structure differences provide clues to substance use risks (Links to an external site)

WashU researchers found correlations between certain types of brain structure and youth who try substances before age 15. (Photo: Shutterstock)

When studying substance use disorders, scientists had thought some of the effects on the brain could stem from use of the substances themselves: People start drinking alcohol in early teens, that alcohol has a neurotoxic effect on the developing brain that begets more alcohol drinking, and a similar dynamic occurs with other substances. But research […]

Major Depression in Older Adults Tied to Risky Driving Behaviors (Links to an external site)

Older adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) exhibit riskier driving behaviors than their nondepressed peers, including hard braking, cornering, and unpredictable driving patterns, new research showed. Data for the study came from commercial vehicle data trackers installed in participants’ vehicles. After about a year of follow-up, investigators found that MDD was associated with an increase […]

Congratulations to Neurology’s November 2024 SAFE accolade recipients

SAFE accolades - Neurology

Congratulations to the members of the Department of Neurology who received accolades through the Supporting a Fair Environment (SAFE) program! SAFE aims to improve the learning environment by promoting positive behaviors and managing concerns about learner mistreatment and unprofessional behaviors. SAFE accolades include treating others with dignity and respect, creating an environment that values diversity, […]

Vagus nerve stimulation relieves severe depression (Links to an external site)

The vagus nerves (orange) run from the brain through the neck to the internal organs. People with severe, treatment-resistant depression who received vagus nerve stimulation therapy showed improvement in depressive symptoms, quality of life, and ability to complete the tasks of daily life, according to a national clinical trial led by researchers at WashU Medicine.

People with severe, treatment-resistant depression who received a nerve-stimulating therapy showed significant improvement in depressive symptoms, quality of life and ability to complete everyday tasks after a year, according to the results of a national, multicenter clinical trial led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.  The findings are published Dec. 18 in a […]

Grant will fund development of vaccines to prevent dementia (Links to an external site)

An illustration of what neuronal networks look like as they degrade. WashU researchers are working to design vaccines that could potentially prevent the buildup of inflammatory protein accumulations in the brain, which is one of the precursors to developing Alzheimer’s disease. (Image: Shutterstock)

Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia are devastating disorders that emerge following the buildup of misfolded proteins in the brain. The newest generation of Alzheimer’s therapeutics targets accumulations of the protein amyloid beta with engineered antibodies, but the results have been underwhelming, with some adverse effects, not to mention using engineered antibodies can be prohibitively expensive.